Contact Us
1 - Has your email or mailing address changed?
Please keep us informed, if you have changed your email address, phone number and/or mailing address provide the changes to one of the following:
By Email: info@lpcawa.org
2 - By USPS Mail:
PO Box 123
Greenbank, WA 98253
3 - By Drop Box location:
105 Salmon Street
It is attached to the fence, right of the driveway when facing the house.
4 - Suggestions? Questions? Contact your Area Rep or an Officer or LPCA via email at: info@lpcawa.org
5 - President Teresa Becker Vice President Stan Waldrop Treasurer Asst. Treasurer Secretary Asst. Secretary
Position 1, Term: July 2023-June 2026, Lance Sweeney POSITION 2, Term: July 2024-June 2027, Duane Rawson POSITION 3, Term: July 2022-June 2025, Jim Carney
7 - Gate Card Administrator for Lot C (boat ramp) Dick Kuss
8 - Welcome Committee Contact:
9 - Web Site: |
10 - Area 1 Rep
LouAnn Hepp
Area 2 Rep
John Klemser
Area 3 Rep
John Calkins
Area 4 Rep
Scott Brunner
Area 5 Rep
Mike Manz
mike.manz@lpcawa.org |
Area 6 Rep
Charles Hammer
11 - Water Way Committee
(If interested in serving on this committee, email: info@lpcawa.org)
Water Way Committee Chairman:
Carl Haslam - 425-770-8395 cell waterway@lpcawa.org
Water Way committee Members:
Scott Brunner waterway@lpcawa.org
Graham Crippen waterway@lpcawa.org
Jim Norton waterway@lpcawa.org
12 - Waterway Spill Emergency Contacts:
Steve Bondelid 360-222-3182 home
Bill Brown 360-499-9144 cell
Laura Price 360-914-1144 cell
Graham Crippin 425-919-6979 cell
John Klemser 908-268-7035 cell
Tony Hartman 530-233-0344 cell
Jim Norton 360-929-7688 cell
Duane Rawson 530-949-7102 cell
Background image credit: Hugh Shipman - Gravel Beach © 2019 Lagoon Point. All Rights Reserved.